Adam Fields DC

Day 4 of 7 Neck Pain Relief Exercises with Neuromuscular/Proprioceptive Re-education

Sinus Drainage & Headache Relief Exercises | Maxillary & Frontal | #2

Migraine Headache Help with Trigger Point, Stretches and Exercises | EASE THE HEAD PAIN |

Proximal Humerus Fracture Weeks 8-9 | Broomstick Shoulder Mobilization & Strengthening | Phase VII

Proximal Humerus Fracture Weeks 6-7 | Light Isometric Shoulder Exercises | Phase V

Proximal Humerus Fracture Weeks 10-11 | Scapular Stabilization Exercises & Passive ROM | Phase X

Quick Standing Core Workout to Stabilize your Lower Back - Great for Lumbar Discs

Proximal Humerus Fracture Weeks 9-10 | Wall Plank & Tricep Shoulder Series | Phase IX

Massage Gun for Hip Pain, Stiffness and Arthritis

V1 of 2 Throat Opening Exercises for Swallowing, Singing and Snoring- Dysphagia Support

#3 Sinus Headache Relief Exercises | Paranasal Sinus Drainage Massage

Strong Shoulders 1 of 4 with Scapular Stabilization, Rotator Cuff and Deltoid Strength

V3 of 3 Mouth Breather, Snoring and Sleep Apnea Exercises

Proximal Humerus Fracture Weeks 7-8 | + Slider Shoulder Exercises on Countertop | Phase VI

Proximal Humerus Fracture Weeks 4-5 | Scapular Mobilization, Self Massage & Isometrics | Phase III

V2 of 2 Throat Opening Exercises for Swallowing, Singing and Snoring- Dysphagia Support

Box Breathing for Stress Management - |DAY 7 PM of 360° Breathing| - Decrease Anxiety

Standing Leg Workout for Strong Knees - Knee Stabilization

Proximal Humerus Fracture Weeks 3-4 | Beginning Physical Therapy for Your Shoulder | Phase II

Day 6 of 7 Neck Pain Relief Exercises - Unique ways to help your cervical spine feel great

Low Back and Core Stabilization on the Mat - Pilates for lower back. Safe for most disc injuries.

Proximal Humerus Fracture Weeks 5-6 | Active Light Shoulder Strengthening & Mobilization | Phase IV

Proximal Humerus Fracture Weeks 12-14 | PNF Shoulder Exercises w/ 1lb Wrist Weight | Phase XII

Beginner Shoulder Rehab Exercises for Scapular Stabilization and Rotator Cuff- NO EQUIPMENT